Venue and General Informations

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TUMA 2022 will take place at Aula Magna Rettorato, University of Perugia, Via Francesco Innamorati, 06123 Perugia (Italy)


Perugia was a very important Etruscan city with marvellous buildings such as the Etruscan Arch or the Etruscan Well.
The Roman Emperor Augustus (Octavianus) conquered the city and gave it a new name: Augusta Perusia.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, the city became an independent town with its own council, but often divided into fierce fights against families like the Baglioni. This family was the only one which contended the city with the Papal States in 1531. The pope Paolo III, as a symbol of his power, decided to build the “Rocca Paolina”, a huge fortress above the old city. This power finished in 1860, year of the unification of Italy.